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New Arenas of Education Governance - The Impact of Interna­tional Organisations and Markets on Educational Policy Making

How and to what extent is education becoming a field of international and market governance? Traditionally, education policy making has been viewed as the responsibility of the nation state, falling within the realm of domestic politics.

But recent years have witnessed the transformation of the state. Globalization has introduced new actors and led to the internationalization and marketization of education.

This volume provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date account of these new arenas of education governance, examining the impact of international organizations and the role of the market in policymaking. It demonstrates how education policy is formulated at international levels and what the consequences for national policy making will be.

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Martens, Kerstin
Rusconi, Alessandra
Leuze, Kathrin
Basingstoke: Palgrave
