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1269 Treffer
Schmitt, Carina (2010)
Sources of Civic Engagement in Latin America - Empirical Evidence From Rural Ecuadorian Communities
In: Journal of Development Studies, 46: 8, 1442-58
Lingenberg, Swantje (2010)
Europäische Publikumsöffentlichkeiten. Ein pragmatischer Ansatz
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Lingenberg, Swantje (2010)
The Citizen Audience and European Transcultural Public Spheres. Exploring Civic Engagement in European Political Communication. 
In: Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research 35(1). S. 47-74.
Joerges, Christian (2010)
The Rechtsstaat and Social Europe: How a Classical Tension Resurfaces in the European Integration Process
In: Comparative Sociology, Vol. 9, No. 1 Leiden-Boston: Brill, 65-85
Joerges, Christian; Brüggemeier, Gert; Falke, Josef; Micklitz, Hans-W. (2010)
European Product Safety, Internal Market Policy and the New Approach to Technical Harmonisation and Standards  
Hanse Law Review, No. 2, Vol. 6, Bremen: Hanse Law Review eV
Jakobi, Anja P. (2010)
The Realization of Lifelong Learning. A Comparative Perspective on a Global Education Policy Discourse
In: DGS (ed.) Tagungsband des Deutschen Soziologentags 2008 Wiesbaden: VS Verlag (i. E.)
Jakobi, Anja P.; Martens, Kerstin; Wolf, Klaus Dieter (2010)
Conclusion: Education, Political Science and the State in Transition
In: Anja P. Jakobi, Kerstin Martens, Klaus Dieter Wolf (Hg.): Education in Political Science. Discovering a Neglected Field London: Routledge, 218-229
Jakobi, Anja P.; Martens, Kerstin; Wolf, Klaus Dieter (2010)
Introduction: A Governance Perspective on Education Policy
In: Anja P. Jakobi, Kerstin Martens, Klaus Dieter Wolf (Hg.): Education in Political Science. Discovering a Neglected Field London: Routledge, 1-20
Calliess, Gralf-Peter; Zumbansen, Peer (2010)
Rough Consensus and Running Code. A Theory of Transnational Private Law
Oxford: Hart Publishing
Jakobi, Anja P. (Hg.); Martens, Kerstin (Hg.); Wolf, Klaus Dieter (Hg.) (2010)
Education in Political Science - Discovering a Neglected Field
London: Routledge
Martens, Kerstin (2010)
NGOs and International Relations, UN
In: Helmut Anheiner und Stefan Toepler (Hg.): International Encyclopedia of Civil Society New York: Springer, 1039-1044
Kaasch, Alexandra (2010)
A New Global Health Actor? The OECD's Careful Guidance of National Health Care Systems
In: Martens, K./ Jakobi, A.: Mechanisms of OECD Governance - International Incentives for National Policy Making, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Calliess, Gralf-Peter; Renner, Moritz (2010)
Denationalisierung (Globalisierung)
In: Martin Hartmann/Claus Offe (Hrsg.), Politische Theorie und Politische Philosophie. Ein Lexikon München: Beck (i.E.)
Couldry, Nick (Hg.); Hepp, Andreas (Hg.); Krotz, Friedrich (Hg.) (2010)
Media Events in a Global Age
London-New York: Routledge
Obinger, Herbert; Starke, Peter; Moser, Julia; Bogedan, Claudia; Obinger-Gindulis, Edith; Leibfried, Stephan (2010)
Transformations of the Welfare State. Small States, Big Lessons
Oxford: Oxford University Press
Calliess, Gralf-Peter; Renner, Moritz (2010)
From Soft Law to Hard Code: The Juridification of Global Governance
Peer Zumbansen und Oren Perez (Hrsg.), Law after Luhmann: Critical Refections on Nilas Luhmann´s Contribution to Legal Doctrine and Theory, Hart Publishing, Oxford (i.E.)
Castles, Francis G. (Hg.); Leibfried, Stephan (Hg.); Lewis, Jane (Hg.); Obinger, Herbert (Hg.); Pierson, Christopher (Hg.) (2010)
The Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 912 pp.
Winter, Gerd; Kamau, Evanson C. (2009)
Streamlining Access Procedures and Standards
In: Kamau, Evanson C., Winter Gerd (Hrsg.), Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and the Law London: Earthscan, 365 - 379
Nullmeier, Frank (2009)
Die gespaltene Gesellschaft: Strategische Neuorientierungen der Wohlfahrtsverbände
In: Theorie und Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit 60 (3), 206-213
Haunss, Sebastian (2009)
Die Bewegungsforschung und die Protestformen sozialer Bewegungen
In: Klaus Schönberger and Ove Sutter (ed.), Kommt herunter, reiht euch ein … Eine kleine Geschichte der Protestformen sozialer Bewegungen, Berlin: Assoziation A, pp. 31-45
Haunss, Sebastian; Shadlen, Kenneth C. (2009)
Introduction: rethinking the politics of intellectual property  
In: Sebastian Haunss and Kenneth C. Shadlen (ed.), Politics of Intellectual Property, Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 1-12
Haunss, Sebastian; Kohlmorgen, Lars (2009)
Lobbying or Politics? Political claims-making in IP conflicts 
In: Sebastian Haunss and Kenneth C. Shadlen (ed.), Politics of Intellectual Property, Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 107-128
Haunss, Sebastian (Hg.); Shadlen, Kenneth C. (Hg.) (2009)
Politics of Intellectual Property. Contestation over the Ownership, Use, and Control of Knowledge and Information  
Cheltenham, Glos: Edward Elgar Publishing
Leach, Darcy K.; Haunss, Sebastian (2009)
Scenes and Social Movements 
In: Hank Johnston (ed.), Culture, Social Movements, and Protest, Burlington, VT and Aldershot UK: Ashgate Publishers, pp. 255-276
Steffek, Jens; Hahn, Kristina; Piewitt, Martina; Rodekamp, Meike (2009)
Whose voice? Transnational CSOs and their relations with members, supporters and beneficiaries
Tagungsbeitrag für die ECPR Joint Sessions Lissabon April 2009
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