Oxford Handbook
  English Version  
NGOs and the United Nations – Institutionaliza­tion, Professionalization and Adaptation
Non-Governmental Organizations have become an integral part of the United Nations. As a result of their growing recognition as influential actors in global affairs, the UN sought to strengthen its relationship with NGOs and created diverse ways of bringing them into its system. This book explores how NGOs responded to this increase in opportunities for participation with the UN. The case studies include some of the most renowned players on the international scene, such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the International League for Human Rights, CARE International, the International Save the Children Alliance, and Oxfam International. This study reveals how NGOs have changed their interaction with the UN since the mid-1990s. It presents their adjusted patterns of interaction with the UN and explores how differences between NGOs can be explained. It looks at their representation to the UN, consultative status and characteristic features of NGOs.

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Martens, Kerstin
Basingstoke: Palgrave
