Oxford Handbook
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Sozialstaatlichkeit in Europe? A Conflict©of©Laws Approach to the Law of the EU and the Proceduralisation of Constitutionalisation
¡°Sozialstaatlichkeit¡± is a collection of essays dedicated to the author of Negative Freiheitsrechte und gesellschaftliche Selbstorganisation? Reflections on the survival of welfarism in the postnational constellations after his analyses of globalisation and Europeanisation? Affirmative references to the Discourse Theory of Law and Habermasian notions of Proceduralisation at all levels of governance against ¡°Proceduralisation and its use in a post©modern legal policy?¡±. ¡°Are you trying to deliver something like an Anti©Ladeur.¡± No, neither Sisyphus nor Hercules, let alone Friedrich Engels, has inspired this essay. Its argument should rather be observed in the spirit of conflict©of©laws, i.e. of a discipline which accepts as a normative fact that different academic projects may be worthwhile despite of, or even because of, the differences of their premises and of the logics of their development, which may be inspired by complementary perceptions of a common probl¨¦matque. We will develop our argument in three steps. The first will recall the German Sozialstaats controversy and its links with the theoretical and methodological debates of the seventies and eighties (I). We will proceed with a reconstruction of the social deficit of the European integration project and a critique of the efforts to compensate it through various techniques promoting social Europe (II). In a third step we will present the conflict of law alternative to the many suggestions to build on the model of the nation state in the constitutionalisation of Europe (III). The final sections will deal with the implications of that approach for Europe¡¯s social deficit (IV) and, albeit very briefly, for the constitutionalisation process (V).
Joerges, Christian
in: German Law Journal, Vol. 10, No. 4

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