Oxford Handbook
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The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration: Between Autonomy and the European Union

The illegal entry of migrants into Ceuta and Melilla in November 2005 as well as the terrorist attacks in New York, Madrid and London provided the European Union with the impetus to develop a common European immigration policy. Today the EU is one of the most active players in managing international immigration. But what does the developing European immigration policy truly mean for its member states and how does it affect its neighbouring countries? The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration is the first cutting edge volume presenting a comparative empirical investigation on the impact of the EU on the national policies and politics of immigration. Its central focus is on the extent of Europeanization in traditional member states such as Germany and the United Kingdom, countries who joined the EU only recently such as Greece and Poland, as well as non-member states such as Turkey and Albania. The volume reveals striking cross-national differences and investigates the mode of Europeanization as a key variable to account for the diverse national experiences with the EU, and includes contributions from renowned scholars in this field.

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Faist, Thomas (Hg.)
Ette, Andreas (Hg.)
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

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