Research concept
Research programme 2011-2014
Research programme 2003-2006
Project area
Project area A
Project area B
Project area C
Project area D
Project area Z
  Deutsche Version  

Project area C

The Future of the "last" Intervention State

In sub-projects of the the project area C the following will be examined: Which consequences does the new constellation of statehood have in the dimension of wealth; what is actually the consequence of an interventional state? How can these consequences be evaluated from a normative perspective? How stable is the new constellation of statehood?

Three typical intervention forms characterize a welfare state: the capability of market making, the support of the market making process in order to prevent market failure by market backing, and finally market correction to reach an acceptable distribution of wealth. Usually the state was in charge of these purposes while establishing wealth. In the new constellation of statehood, private and public actors take this role. The sub-projects of the project area C focus on several forms of intervention and thus a broad part of welfare statehood. The educational sub-project (C4) focuses on the main function of the establishment human capital and thus on market backing, while the health-based sub-project (C3) considers both market backing and market correcting equally.
