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The series Transformations of the State, Palgrave - ed. by Achim Hurrelmann, Stephan Leibfried, Kerstin Martens and Peter Mayer - examines the current and future prospects for a traditional conception of the state. With its array of internationally respected contributors and spanning the disciplines of political science, economics, history, law and sociology, the series provides readers with the state of the art on the "state of the state".

Statehood changes in many ways and the reasons for this change are manifold. The series Staatlichkeit im Wandel, Campus - ed. by Philipp Genschel, Stephan Leibfried, Patrizia Nanz and Frank Nullmeier - encompasses single studies which deal with processes of change but also an overview series which reflects the latest research in political science.

Publications from other english and german publishers.

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Calliess, Gralf-Peter (Ed.) (2014)
Transnationales Recht. Stand und Perspektiven
Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck
Vögtle, Eva Maria (2014)
Higher Education Policy Convergence and the Bologna Process. A Cross-National Study
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Martens, Kerstin (Ed.); Knodel, Philipp (Ed.); Windzio, Michael (Ed.) (2014)
Internationalization of Education Policy. A New Constellation of Statehood in Education?
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Franzius, Claudio (2014)
Recht und Politik in der transnationalen Konstellation
Frankfurt a.M.: Campus
Weymann, Ansgar (2014)
States, Markets and Education. The Rise and Limits of the Education State
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Weinlich, Silke (2014)
The UN Secretariat's Influence on the Evolution of Peacekeeping. The Internationalization of Security Politics
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Amstutz, Marc (Ed.); Fischer-Lescano, Andreas (Ed.) (2013)
Kritische Systemtheorie. Zur Evolution einer normativen Theorie
Bielefeld: Transcript
Fischer-Lescano, Andreas (2013)
Berlin: August
Viellechner, Lars (2013)
Transnationalisierung des Rechts
Weilerswist-Metternich: Velbrück Wissenschaft
Kamau, Evanson C. (Ed.); Winter, Gerd (Ed.) (2013)
Common Pools of Genetic Resources. Equity and Innovation in International Biodiversity Law
London/New York: Routledge
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