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1269 Hits
Batura, Olga; Rendon Schneir, Juan (2014)
Public policies and development of the broadband market in Germany
In: Wolter Leemstra and William Melody (ed.), Dynamics of broadband markets in Europe Cambridge University Press
Götze, Ralf; Rothgang, Heinz (2014)
Fiscal and Social Policy: Financing Long-Term Care in Germany
In: Companje, Karel-Peter (ed.): Financing High Medical Risks. Amsterdam: AUP, 63-100.
Batura, Olga (2014)
The WTO legal framework for telecommunications services and challenges of the information age
In: Christoph Herrmann, Jörg Philipp Terhechte and Markus Krajewski (eds.), European Yearbook of International Economic Law Springer
Batura, Olga (2014)
Towards an international regime of regulating electronic communications
In: Markus Krajewski (ed.), Beyond the Single Market – External and international law of services of general interest T.M.C.Asser Press
Franzius, Claudio (2014)
Recht und Politik in der transnationalen Konstellation
Frankfurt a.M.: Campus
Weymann, Ansgar (2014)
States, Markets and Education. The Rise and Limits of the Education State
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Weinlich, Silke (2014)
The UN Secretariat's Influence on the Evolution of Peacekeeping. The Internationalization of Security Politics
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Deters, Henning (2014)
National Constitutional Jurisprudence in a Post-National Europe: The ESM Ruling of the German Federal Constitutional Court and the Disavowal of Conflict
In: European Law Journal 20 (2), 204-218.
Krüger, Tilman (2014)
Moving Ahead While Standing Still: Dynamics of Institutional Evolution in a Gridlocked WTO
In: Christoph Herrmann, Markus Krajewski, Jörg Philipp Terhechte (eds.), European Yearbook of International Economic Law (EYIEL), Vol. 5 Berlin: Springer.
Winter, Gerd (2013)
Climate Engineering and International Law: Final Exit or the End of Humanity?
In: Ruppel, Oliver C., Roschmann, Christian, Ruppel-Schlichting, Katharina, Climate Change: International Law and Global Governance. Volume I: Legal Responses and Global Responsibility Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, 979 - 1010
Winter, Gerd (2013)
Ecological proportionality: an emerging principle of law for nature?
In: Voigt, Christina (ed.), Rule of Law for Nature. New Dimensions and Ideas in Environmental Law Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 111 - 129
Winter, Gerd (2013)
National Administrative Procedural Law Under EU Requirements. With a Focus on Public Participation
In: Jans, J.H./ Macrory, R./ Moreno Molina, A.-M. (eds.), National Courts and EU Environmental Law Groningen: Europa Law Publishing, 9 - 33
Winter, Gerd (2013)
The Rise and Fall of Nuclear Energy Use in Germany: Processes, Explanations and the Role of Law
In: Journal of Environmental Law, 25:1 (2013) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 95 - 124
Bieber, Tonia (2013)
Transatlantic Diffusion in Higher Education Policy? The Soft Governance of the Bologna Process in the United States
In: Amos, K., J. Schmid, J. Schrader & A. Thiel (eds.) Europäischer Bildungsraum. Europäisierungsprozesse in Bildungspolitik und Bildungspraxis Nomos, Baden-Baden, 123-148
Amstutz, Marc (Ed.); Fischer-Lescano, Andreas (Ed.) (2013)
Kritische Systemtheorie. Zur Evolution einer normativen Theorie
Bielefeld: Transcript
Fischer-Lescano, Andreas (2013)
Berlin: August
Viellechner, Lars (2013)
Transnationalisierung des Rechts
Weilerswist-Metternich: Velbrück Wissenschaft
Offerhaus, Anke; Keithan, Kerstin; Kimmer, Alina (2013)
Trauerbewältigung online – Praktiken und Motive der Nutzung von Trauerforen
In: SWS Rundschau - Die Zeitschrift der Sozialwissenschaftlichen Studiengesellschaft 53. Jahrgang, Sonderheft Nr. 3, 275-297
Kamau, Evanson C. (Ed.); Winter, Gerd (Ed.) (2013)
Common Pools of Genetic Resources. Equity and Innovation in International Biodiversity Law
London/New York: Routledge
Obinger-Gindulis, Edith; Obinger, Herbert (2013)
Does the Economy Matter? Zur Relevanz funktionalistischer Theorien in der vergleichenden Staatstätigkeitsforschung
In: Armingeon, Klaus (Ed.), Staatstätigkeiten, Parteien und Demokratie. Festschrift für Manfred G. Schmidt, Wiesbanden: Springer VS
Wulfgramm, Melike; Fervers, Lukas (2013)
Unemployment and Subsequent Employment Stability: Does Labour Market Policy Matter?
IZA Discussion Paper/7193/2013, Bonn: Institute for the study of labor
Haunss, Sebastian (2013)
Conflicts in the Knowledge Society. The Contentious Politics of Intellectual Property 
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Haunss, Sebastian; Dietz, Matthias; Nullmeier, Frank (2013)
Der Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie. Diskursnetzwerkanalyse als Beitrag zur Erklärung einer radikalen Politikwende
In: Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung 1(3): 288–316
Haunss, Sebastian (2013)
Die Autonomen – eine soziale Bewegung zwischen radikaler Gesellschaftskritik und Subjektivismus
In: Rene? Schultens and Michaela Glaser (eds.), ‚Linke‘ Militanz im Jugendalter. Befunde zu einem umstrittenen Pha?nomen, Halle: Deutsches Jugendinstitut, pp. 26–46
Haunss, Sebastian (2013)
Enforcement vs. access: wrestling with intellectual property on the internet 
In: Internet Policy Review
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