Working papers
CRC volumes
Oxford Handbook
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The Comparative Analysis of Political Programs. Large-N Analyses with Data from International Organizations
This paper deals with the methodological question of using data from international organizations (IOs) for comparative analysis. It explores how large-N analyses can profit from using different types of data, including text analysis. The paper proceeds as follows: First, it is introduced for which types of research question certain types of IO data might be accurate. Then, data collection of different IOs is presented, distinguishing verbal and statistical data. In a third step, it is shown how extent and origin of international agenda setting processes can be assessed methodologically, using the data described before. Finally, shortcuts of such a mixed-method procedure are sketched. The paper is based on an example of education policy but transfers to other policy fields are easily possible.
No. 069/2007
Anja P. Jakobi

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