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Zerfaserung und Selbsttransformation – Das Forschungsprogramm "Staatlichkeit im Wandel"
In the Collaborative Research Center (TransState), the transformation of the state in the OECD world of the ending 20th and the beginning 21st century has been examined since 2003. Starting point and standard of comparison is the democratic constitutional and interventional state - in the following DCIS - of the 1960s and 1970s. The DCIS was characterized by high concentration of responsibility for providing a portfolio of normative goods. The DCIS was monopoly on legitimate use of force and provided legal guarantee, central instances of legitimacy and universal protection of welfare. There was no institution beyond the DCIS that participated significantly in the delivery of these normative goods. Therefore, many people talk about the "golden age of the state" when they look back at these two centuries. The Collaborative Research Center examines how the state has been transformed since the alleged “golden age”, studies the causes of that transformation and asks for its effects.
No. 045/2006
Philipp Genschel
Stephan Leibfried
Bernhard Zangl

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