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Prävention und Intervention: Konzeptionelle Entwicklungen in den Vereinten Nationen von der Agenda für den Frieden bis zum Bericht des High-Level Panels on Threats, Challenges and Change
Two key terms of the 1990s relating to security policy are intervention and prevention of crisis. During the 1990s both concepts have enjoyed a unique currency, associated as they were by providing effective instruments for putting the lid on bubbling hot spots. The United Nations as an organisation with global membership and responsibility and the task of ensuring world peace and the international security is an important actor in the legitimation, planning and implementation of interventionist as well as preventionist matters. What kind of competences does the world body have in these policy fields and how were the authorities developed in the 1990s? What comes under the term prevention of conflict, what is perceived as interventionist policy, was changed during the 1990s in this organisation? Is there actually a unitary understanding of both terms within the organisation or do competing associations prevail as to which activities come under the terms, and who is responsible for the commissioning and implementation of the same? The article analyses the development of the conceptualisation of both terms on the basis of the analysis of the legal and institutional framework, the further development of the legal basis in the 1990s, as well as on the analysis of key documents.
No. 023/2005
Silke Weinlich

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