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Das "PISA Phänomen" - ein Plädoyer für einen interdisziplinären Ansatz zur Erforschung von Bildungsproduktion im Kontext von Large-Scale-Assessments
International comparative studies of student achievement like the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Trends in International Ma¬thematics and Science Study (TIMSS) or the Progress in International Reading Lite¬racy Study (PIRLS) demonstrate the strengths and weaknesses of participating countries’ education systems. These comparative studies aim to create a measurement for the performance of education systems. Thus, they allow for the quantification and comparison of educational approaches in different countries, regions and types of schools or even individual schools. The present contribution argues for an interdisciplinary perspective on changes of education production induced by PISA and similar studies in order to analyze convergence processes and potential interdependencies in the educational sector. As will be shown, the particular disciplines will, due to their specialized foci, study the various aspects of the research topic in question. After having dealt with PISA and its ramifications for about ten years primarily from a single disciplinary viewpoint it has become necessary to conduct research on a more comprehensive level. Thus an interdisciplinary approach in studying PISA induced changes in education organization and production is essential. If different social-scientific perspectives are integrated, such meta-perspective on the transition processes promises to produce enhanced and deepened knowledge in the relevant research topic. This particular approach helps to reconstruct nexuses and interdependencies of processes fostering convergences in the educational field. Consequently an interdisciplinary assessment can uncover the impact of international comparative school performance studies in the field of education more comprehensively than an isolated disciplinary perspective.
No. 175/2013
Kerstin Martens
Andreas Breiter
Till-Sebastian Idel
Christine Knipping
Janna Teltemann

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