Working papers
CRC volumes
Oxford Handbook
  Deutsche Version  
Politikpositionen im Reformprozess des öffentlichen Dienstes – Zur Übertragbarkeit der quantitativen Textanalyse
The paper explores the possibilities to transfer a method of quantitative text analysis developed for the study of ideological texts into the context of the debate between employers' and employees' associations on the reform of the public sector in Germany. We present theoretical arguments supporting the usability of the spatial model for the identification of policy positions of interest associations. We then apply the approach to the police sector in Germany. An analysis of editorials in the newsletter of the police trade union and in publications of the ministry of the interior of Brandenburg allows placing the actors in the conceptual space of the debate over time. We find that the positions found via this approach match with findings from other analyses.
No. 162/2012
Kamil Marcinkiewicz
Jennie Auffenberg
Bernhard Kittel

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